Why Join a Board or Commission?

Why Join a Board or Commission?

Boards and Commissions play a crucial role in City Government, empowering residents to impact City policies and activities. Volunteering for a Board or Commission is one of the most impactful ways to engage in municipal government, and in doing so, enhances Tecumseh's quality of life. Beyond community empowerment, volunteering offers individuals opportunities to acquire new skills, gain valuable experience, create connections, and make meaningful contributions to their community.  

Leave a lasting impact on your surroundings by getting involved with your community.

Apply by clicking here.

What are the Qualities of a Great Board or Commission Member?
Every Board or Commission member brings in unique skills, experiences, and ideas that the City of Tecumseh benefits from.

  • Passion for their Community
  • Desire to help others 
  • Desire to take an Active Role in the Community
  • Interpersonal, Communication and Listening skills
  • City of Tecumseh Resident