Match on Main

Match on Main is a reimbursement grant program, provided by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, that serves as a tool to support new or expanding place-based businesses by providing up to $25,000 in funding to support an eligible small business through an application submitted, administered, and managed by the local unit of government, downtown development authority, or other downtown management or community development organization where the business is located.

This round of Match on Main funding has closed! Submissions for the Match on Main business application are now under review by the City of Tecumseh.

To help us in selecting the business that will be submitted to the State for funding, below are several priority criteria that the City will apply in the proposal review process. Each criteria will be equally weighted at 10 points each, for a total possible score of 100.

  1. Number of employees planned to be added with expansion or new business.

  2. Activation of vacant or underutilized space and level of investment in the property.

  3. Retail businesses, followed by food & beverage service businesses will be prioritized. NOTE: Due to the limited funds, professional offices will NOT be considered, unless paired with priority industry sector.

  4. Gap in market or unique business model – Priority will be given to businesses that are unique to the Tecumseh market and/or have a novel or new business plan.

  5. Businesses who have NOT recently (last 3-years) received public funding support or a tax abatement through the City, County or State will receive preference.

  6. The business actively participates and is open during downtown events.

  7. The business has utilized resources through the Michigan Small Business Development Center and/or contacted the City to seek support and/or counseling for their business in the last 12 months.

  8. The business has or will have annual revenue (company-wide) of under $750,000.

  9. Quality of information submitted in response to this request for proposals.

  10. Other/reviewer discretionary points.

Please note this is a competitive grant program.  Even if the City selects your proposal and submits it to the State, there is no guarantee of funding.  The State anticipates the following timeline:

  • Awardees Announced - TBD

  • Grant Agreements Executed - TBD

For more information on MEDC's Match on Main grant program, visit the MEDC website.